Last updated: February 21, 2022
Keeping our community healthy and climbing strong is our top priority.
We ask that you continue to care for your fellow climbers by staying home if you are feeling any COVID-19 symptoms and reporting a positive COVID-19 test within 7 days of your last visit to us so we can continue our contact tracing protocols.
Thank you again for your understanding and support as we work together to find the safest way forward. We are grateful to have such an amazing community here at FA. Climb on!
Here are the latest Health & Wellness Standards, presented in categories that help you understand how they will impact your visits to the gym:

Rigorous Cleaning
A professional cleaning crew deep cleans each of our facilities every night, and our staff follow continuous cleaning protocols throughout the day.

Medical Grade Disinfectants
We use medical-grade, EPA-registered disinfectants designated effective against the COVID-19 virus for all continuous and deep-cleaning procedures.

Increased Air Circulation
Where possible, windows and doors at our facilities will be open to allow for additional fresh air circulation, and HVAC equipment will be set to allow the maximum amount of outside fresh air, achieving complete air replacement at least once every hour.

Facility Improvements & Adjustments
We’ve made some adjustments to the facility to promote the health and safety of staff and visitors, including adding plexiglass shields at the front desk, hand sanitizer stations throughout the facility, and signage to help promote healthy practices.

Check How You’re Feeling
If you’re feeling any symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home until you feel better.

Hand Sanitizing
Hand sanitizing is recommended first thing when you enter. A hand sanitizer station will be placed right at the entrance for use when entering. We also encourage you to wash or sanitize your hands regularly during your time at the gym.

Face Masks
Masks are recommended but not required.
If you forget to bring a mask along with you and you’d prefer to wear one, we’re happy to provide you with one – just ask a FA staff member.

Optional Touchless Check In & Payment
Use touchless scanners to check in, or make purchases or payments using your card on file.

Liquid Chalk + Chalk Balls Only
Only liquid chalk and chalk balls will be permitted for use. Loose chalk is not permitted to improve overall air quality in the gyms.

Fist Bumps
Thanks for climbing with us and doing your part to help keep the FA community healthy. We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Contact us if you test positive for Covid-19
If you test positive for Covid-19 within 14 days of your last visit to FA, please notify us by emailing
We will notify anyone who visited FA during that session while keeping your identify and information confidential. If there is any evidence of further spread of COVID-19 happening within the gyms, we will quarantine that gym and notify all staff, members, and visitors immediately.