Cities/Pittsburgh/Summer Send Series

Summer Send Competition Series

Compete for great prizes and all the glory in our 3-round competition series this summer. Each round is a community-style redpoint competition, with 30 new boulders to send. Following Round 3, the Top 5 climbers from each division qualify for on-site finals. You can join for one round or all three in the series. 

Round One: June 7th | 6-9 PM

Round Two: July 20th | 6-9 PM

Round Three: August 27th | 10 AM-1 PM

Finals: August 27th | 2:00 PM


  • Round 1: Members $19, Guests $29
  • Round 2: Members $19, Guests $29
  • Round 3: Members $39, Guests $49
  • Bundle pricing for all three rounds: Members $70, Guests $100



  • A Summer Send series t-shirt
  • Exclusive access to 30 boulders for each redpoint round in the series
  • A chance to win great prizes from FA and our partners, including free month of FA Station Square membership, 10 passes, FA Merch basket, Organic Climbing, Friction Labs, Drypointe, Climbing Shoes, Crashpads, etc.


Here’s a sneak peek at the Summer Send t-shirt:

You in?

Summer Send Series Format

  • 3 redpoint rounds with finals following round 3
  • Redpoint rounds scores will be determined by a climber’s top 5 boulders for that event
    • Prizes awarded to top 3 in each division
  • Climbers need not attend all 3 rounds to qualify for finals, but they MUST ATTEND ROUND 3
  • Qualification for finals will be determined by a climber’s top 10 boulders across all qualifying rounds
    • Top 5 climbers from each division will advance to finals
    • Prizes awarded to top 3 climbers in each division
      • Ties broken by qualifying placement

Questions? Drop us a line at