Dear FAmily,
First of all, we want to thank the FA community again for your amazing support. The outpouring of support we’ve received means the world to us, and it ensures that First Ascent and our staff can emerge from this crisis ready to serve the climbing community the way we love to. Thank you!
Given the extension of the stay at home order, all First Ascent locations will remain closed through May 30th. We are working hard behind the scenes to ensure that we are ready to open our doors as soon as it is safe for us to do so, and we will keep you updated as that day draws near.
In the meantime, we will continue to host free live streamed First Ascent Anywhere classes for the FA community at large.

If you’re looking for a way to move and connect with others, join us for a class! We have a full schedule of yoga, fitness, and climbing training classes led by some of your favorite FA instructors, as well as a weekly cooking lesson with our friends at Nude Dude Food.
Questions? Please reply to this email and we’ll be happy to answer them.
We hope you’re taking good care of yourselves and others during this challenging time. One thing is for sure: this too shall pass, and we’ll get to enjoy climbing together again once it does.
Thanks again for being a part of the FAmily. Be well!
Dan, Joe, Jon, & Dave | the First Ascent founders