The Uptown Throwdown community comp featured 50 fresh boulder problems set on all of the best features in the house. We had fantastic prizes lined up from fantastic sponsors, including crash pads and bags from Organic Climbing, apparel and gift cards from The North Face, shoes from Butora, and chalk from Friction Labs. And we welcomed mountaineering legend Conrad Anker, who not only spoke with climbers and signed posters but joined the competition and worked problems shoulder to shoulder with other competitors.

All of these things made the Throwdown great.  What made this comp AWESOME was the energy and passion everyone brought.  The place was teaming with excitement.

Competitors cheered one another on as they worked the same problems, vying for the top spot in the same category.  Everyone was trying hard, and as the adrenaline pumped and the stoke amplified, many competitors climbed harder problems than they ever have before. That kind of energy is what gets the First Ascent team up in the morning and what keeps us motivated throughout the day.


Over 120 competitors came out for the Uptown Throwdown.  The rules: redpoint style, 4 categories, top 5 scores count.

Once the scores were tabulated, the winners in each category were crowned – although in our book, you’re all winners for making this comp such a fun way to spend a Saturday!

Want to know how you did? Click to view the Women’s Final Results and the Men’s Final Results.

Thanks to our amazing sponsors for schwagging out our top competitors.  Thanks to Conrad Anker for the inspiration.  And thanks to everyone for being a part of the FA community!


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