Cities/Arlington Heights/2024 USAC and Formula Speed Competitions

Formula Speed: Zen Den Grand Prix & USAC Speed QE

First Ascent Arlington Heights is excited to be hosting the second leg of the 2023/2024 Formula Speed Series and the USAC qualifying speed event!

Keep Scrolling to find all the Event Details you’ll need!


  • 10:00 AM – USAC Speed Qualifying Event – This event allows climbers to qualify for USAC Youth Nationals in July 2024 if they reach a benchmark time.
  • 11:00 AM – Formula Speed: Zen Den Grand Prix – Round 2 of Formula Speed begins with qualifying and seeding using the climber’s average times over several runs. Finals will be a modified knockout round.
  • 1:00 PM – Clinic – This clinic will include reaction training, resistance drills, and on the speed wall drills.


You have 4 package options based on which events you’d like to participate in. Click on the option that’s right for you below to register!

USAC Speed Qualifying Event


  •  USAC Speed Qualifying Event 
  • Allows climbers to qualify for USAC Youth Nationals

Formula Speed: Zen Den Grand Prix


  • Round 2 of Formula Speed: Zen Den Grand Prix

Formula Speed + Speed Drill Clinic


  • Formula Speed: Zen Den Grand Prix
  • Clinic

USAC, Formula Speed, & Clinic

*USAC Requires registration through Sport:80


  • Includes all 3 events
  • Allows climbers to qualify for USAC Youth Nationals 
  • Due to registration systems, this requires separate registrations and payments for the USAC & Formula Speed Portions of the day.

To learn more about Formula Speed and view standings click the link below!

Questions? Reach out to