Cities/Peoria/Programs/Peoria Bouldering League

We're back in action with 6 weeks of gritty, fun and friendly competition. Join us!

Grab a partner and throw down for all the glory in our Fall Bouldering League! 

Teams of 2 compete for 5 weeks leading up to a Team Onsight Finals! At the end of season, the team with the most points will be crowned champions, taking home the top prizes and all the glory.

Here are the details:

6-9pm on Wednesday nights

5-Week Regular Season: Oct 16-Nov 20
Team Finals: Nov 20

Members: $55
Guests: $115*
Early Bird Pricing ends Sunday, Oct 6th: Save $5

All registrations include league t-shirt.

*Cost for Non-Members includes Day Pass access to the gym on league nights.


Here’s how the format works: 

  • Register as a team of 2 or by yourself. We’ll pair up individuals to create a partner team – it’s a great way to get to know other climbers!
  • Two Categories: Intermediate (up to V4) and Open (V5 and up) — choose your category when registering
    • NOTE: Competitive Youth Team climbers will not be permitted to register this season.
  • Make ups. There will be two make-up options, each with their pros and cons.
    • Option 1: Sub in another climber for you on a night you can’t make it. Their points will contribute to your score 1:1 as if you were there. 

    • Option 2: Come in another day (before the next league night) and log you climbs. There won’t be any flash bonuses for these climbs, and 5 points will be deducted from each send.

  • Complete weekly challenges. Earn bonus points for weekly challenges, which will include team spirit, climbing challenges and a bit of general silliness.
  • Give it your all and win some great prizes. The top teams in each category will win great prizes from First Ascent, our league sponsors, and local partners. 

Here are more details on how the scoring works:

Competitors’ will be scored based on the climbs they complete in their difficulty category, with their team members’ combined scores tallied toward the Team’s weekly score. Teams will also have the opportunity to rise above the rest with flash bonuses and other exciting challenges throughout the season!

  • Competitors select their category based on their current flash ability at the start of league
  • Each member of the team must register in the same difficulty category
  • Participation in bonus challenges help teams earn extra points toward their weekly team score
  • The three individual scores each session will make up the team score, along with any bonus points for that week
  • Make-Ups will not feature any special bonuses, including flash bonuses, and climbs may be worth fewer points than regular season weeks

League starts on October 16th!

Check out the weekly team results below once we get started.

Questions? Drop us a line at